06 April 2014

still sailing

We've had to duck south a bit because the wind has turned around to be
on our nose a bit, we're making the best angle we can while waiting for
it to turn a bit more northerly and less easterly.

The current forecast is for the wind to turn around and be behind our
beam by about midday tomorrow which will make for better sailing. At
the moment we're close on the wind and heeled over on port tack which
makes sleeping in my bunk a bit uncomfortable. Then, if the same
forecast is to be believed, some time early on Wednesday the wind will
turn south easterly at which point we will turn north towards the
tropics (at last).

In case anyone from Cruiser Log is reading this and my message to Rob
hasn't gone out -- I need to get my stern tube replaced in Papeete so if
someone can recommend a yard where I can get hauled out and get this
done (and where English is spoken) then please let me know via email --

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